Yes I am angry enough to sign a contract in the gatherings of this time!
About this project:- Establishing New Power Of Equal Ownership Of The Customers. Why? For reaching out to the huge number of members of the heterogenic "real 99%" from core of (the "occupy") activists organized in small and homogenic cooperative/unions Acting as several decentralized groups providing concentrated buying or news/art/code/content/social-acts togather establishing the core of the net. These are small and homogenic groups, becouse it is in the nature of cooperative, that the power of minorities or individuals in it, is inversely proportional to its size, as its homogeneity is inversely proportional to the benefit of its members also to exit it. , together establishing a net of distribution points for porducts and news (i.e. all which is between the coustmer and the producer), where the clients of the net are also its small and eqaul shareholders using thier buy/hold magnetic cards:
- Establishing a net of local community services, by starting in a core of one or more unions (of which members are activists and for which donation could be tax free) and then reaching out to members of "real 99%" to become peer owners, i.e. equal shareholders, in common companies (see this 6 points), where the core of unions is an ordinary owner in such comcom - such services by such comcom as supermarket etc.
Project Goal
Communities in the neighborhood level, which are based on assemblies and are running their activities, including sites, among other means - all are equally owned by the members of the community.
Equally owned…
where the members of the community are peer owners, or shareholders having equal number of shares, in the means of the community. Why not just equaly share as normally it is in co-op structuring? Because co-op structuring is too hermetic for the people in the city (the real 99%), as they are used to be moving between neighborhoods or organizations. But the shareholding allows later accumulation of the shares by some big power, no? Well, not through the comcomizing agreement between the peer owners, for more A) try the 6 points of the agreement and B) use the comcomism-connect to create or join your event about comcomism.
Imagine: A) one pair - global like and like, each is equally owned by its users and B) many such sites, as their members, being their owners, are able to create and move between them, and as the global seance is kept in the form of naming of such sites - The form is of private.common.type/usage/…, where the private or common are Name[[-]Region] which are switchable between identifying an independent group or a working group: eg:
- The local case: or
- The global case: or
Eexpansion (in short)
By becoming equal shareholders in our organisations and while showing ourselve doing it, we can be attractive for the rest of the 99% to participate in building and having also our ISP, satellite, knowledge, cultural, energy and food production and distribution. (e.g. in fighting the #ACTA).
Issues for this project
The focus here is about comcomizing the services, decentralization, internationality, language and localization and laws considering ownership and taxation:
- "comcomized" means equally owned by its users as it is defined in in 6 points here.
- Learn from the case of the 13 millions activists being ignored in/by the here.
- Q) What is the difference between collectivising and concomizing?
- A) The thing is that the member in comcomized unit is stronger, s/he can sell the share to reflect the value of the unite marking the "performances" of the executive power of the unit, it allows the "normal" people to join us, as they are (doing what they use to do).
- Other question? try comcomism connect
- Decentralization: based on 4 levels naming implemented in url and/or hashtag etc, where url =L3.L2.L1/L0/… and where
- L3=Name[[-]Region], name like occupy99 , region like berlin or tahrir etc, as the L3 identifies a comcomized group practicing assemblies,
- L2=Hub, used as a central place for the L3 to be published in the L2, use-case the hub us of common working groups between many regions. If the Hub is in form of L3 then it is the central place of that name in region, so then its sub domains can be used for the working groups of that region.
- L1=TLD. denoting type of use, like info for information net for networking org for organization etc.
- L0=app or service, like facebook, twitter, wiki,pad, diaspora or what ever can be made open source (preferable agpl over the gpl) and downable from some repositories by admins delegated by L3.
- Internationality
- Language and localization
- Laws considering ownership and taxation
If you need technical support, please contact us.
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