comcomist wrote on 08 Jul 2012 19:15
About: Of comcom-platforms; Use-case comcomized mailingllists + tackling
the BitCoin vulnerability. Objective: A necessary device for any democratic applications, designed for allowing only one identity per each (bio-identified) user, where the bio-print is encrypted and stored on external device and the bio-identification is solved locally and without letting any database/server/Internet/big-brother-eyes to have the user's bio-print.
Hardware (3 READ ONLY devices):
- 1. [D] Data-device: An external data device (usb) or internal mountable partition.
- 2. [B] Bio-device: An external/internal 5M camera
- 3. [I] Input-device: An external/internal input device (such as keyboard)
Algorithm (gpl / agpl software) : The [D] has something like 7zip (1M) to open encrypted data by using the user's password, where the encrypted data has this algorithm, users's eye print and user's keys and where the algorithm, having its own unique id (uid), manages all from:
- 1. eye scanning form [B] to
- 2. matched to the user's eye print from [D] and only then
- 3. shaking hands (+uid) using the user's keys from [D], until
- 4. locking all signals from [I] to the secure communication established by the shaking hands.
- On high level error, clean itself properly but if having communication ,first sending the error the uid , such error as on usb sudden unplugging etc.
- the user's eye print should be encrypted separately, so that the eye input should first be encrypted for to be matched with the eye print.
As for now: The Bitcoin is a legal payment services provider (PSP) under European law, It has 15k users , where 1 bitcoin=$13 !
All owners of multiple layers structure of comcoms are attending together by being marked on a specific non private part of their body, as they are numbered/nicked-named-uniquely by the mark and as they are marked together in one time lasting less than the time for the marks to disappear - this marking may be done even in different locations.
My ComCom user number is 1
Both types of coins are to be used, when a holding comcom is a department in the held comcom and the "departments" are trading across the comcom:
My ComCom user number is 1
License agpl: Assuming this: 1. no lost or compromised of private key, 2. each user agree and obey to use only her/his id/signature and to lose holding in all netowrks of comcom when proven otherwise and 3. when it is required the comcom can verify the ID against the sensitive data and the location and time of the voting.
If the votes of all members are sent in one time, as the location of each sender is given until completing the voting operation, do we have unique identification of the voters?
Using both attached by the sender in the act of voting: One digital signature of the document approved by a person in a vote and One ID=hash(SHA-2/3 ?) of the sensitive data of the voting person encrypted by the public key of the group, where all such ID of the voting members are safely stored and ready to be matched in a vote by the group and where the hashed sensitive data includes:
One last comment:
License: AGPL: Unique identification device being a read only boot usb stick, including
me:) + 99occupy + yes i am angry! + yes again we can + pile + comcomist <= namzezam :)
see the new ver of
me:) + 99occupy + yes i am angry! + yes again we can + pile + comcomist <= namzezam :)
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